Memo: Accepting Referrals for Colonoscopies

Dear Physician,
Please accept this letter of introduction.
I have recently started my practice as Assistant Professor of Surgery at Western University, with primary practice location at University Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre. Having completed residency in General Surgery at the University of Western Ontario, and subsequently a fellowship in Colon and Rectal Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation (Florida) in 2014, I have joined the Division of General Surgery with a specialization in Colon and Rectal Surgery.
I am writing to let you know that I am currently accepting referrals for colonoscopies, both screening and diagnostic, with minimal wait times at present.
I would appreciate your consideration and would be very happy to see any patients requiring colonoscopy, in addition to colorectal surgical problems.
Yours sincerely,
Julie Ann Van Koughnett, MD, MEd, FRCSC
Colorectal and General Surgeon
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Western University
University Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre
339 Windermere Road
London, Ontario  N6A 5A5
Phone: (519) 663-3312Fax: (519) 663-3906